About EYL

What is EYL?

Empowered Young Leaders (EYL) is the representative body and advocates for young people in the Kimberley.

We are developing approaches with our collaborators to ensure that we sit at the decision-making tables when youth issues and other matters are being discussed.

“Nothing About Us Without Us”

Our commitment to capacity building, training, and empowerment of our young mob will ensure we have a strong generation of skilled young leaders now and into the future.

EYL’s Values

EYL embraces the following values to ensure it can deliver its priorities:


To ensure we act within our organisational values and be transparent


To challenge existing practices and look for opportunities to improve


To be truthful across all aspects of operating and honest and fair in all our contributions to Kimberley young people


To have respect for all Kimberley cultural constructs and protocols


To be accountable for our behaviour, actions and decisions

EYL’s Guiding principles

EYL is governed by five guiding principles, which establish what EYL is working to achieve and how we will accomplish our vision and mission as a recognised and authorised representative body for Aboriginal young people in the Kimberley region

Kimberley young people are at the centre of every decision.

Recognition and respect of all Kimberley Cultural constructs, protocols and Language.

Formal partnerships through co-design and shared decision making.

Building the leadership capacity of young people in the Kimberley.

Transform ways of working between youth and Government organisations.

Strategic Priorities


Empowered Young Leaders Aboriginal Corporation is working towards:

1. Creating a sustainable positive impact on communities through identifying and building responsibility in young leaders to be changemakers enabling the hopes and dreams for young people, their sisters and brothers, friends and others.

2. Successfully transitioning to a standalone corporation that is fully operational.

3. Developing and maintaining strong and healthy relationships with stakeholder and Government entities.

4. Establishment of ten Local Youth Advisory Councils (LYACs) operating across the Kimberley with agreed action plans in accordance to place based priorities.

EYL’s governance Structure