Meet Our Team
Hazali D'Anna
Hazali, a born and raised local Broome man with connections to many Aboriginal language groups including Nimanburr and Ngarinyin, has specialised skills and experience in community engagement and Government relations.
Hazali originally joined the EC-West family as a Project Officer in August 2022 and has worked hard on his training and capacity development journey taking on the position as Data Coordinator in January 2023.
Hazali has been instrumental in strengthening Joint Decision-Making processes, supporting the development of collaborate partnerships for collective impact projects, implementing our M&E Plan, and managing the Systems Design products prior to commencing in his new role as EYL Transition Lead.
Quentin Turner
Quentin, traditionally known as Yangki, is a proud Mayala and Bardi Jawi man from the Dampier Peninsula. Quentin is passionate about his culture, his mob and our future.
Quentin was privileged enough to represent youth on a few boards and sub-committees in the past few years including the Aboriginal Training Education and Training Committee for North Regional Tafe in 2019. The following year is when Quentin joined the Western Australian Student Aboriginal Corporation as a student representative at the University of Western Australia. He is now one of the youngest persons to step up and become a director for a PBC which he is very proud to be a part of joint decision-making processes and developing his capacity for himself and his mob.
Quentin possesses qualifications and knowledge in business, governance and a high understanding of barriers affecting the livelihoods of people within the West Kimberley Region.
Quentin believes that starting to create generational change for our First Nations people, starts with improving service deliveries, empowering and educating our young people, supporting them to build their capacity and how we can strengthen our voices collectively.
He is a very passionate and excited to have come on board to work alongside likeminded individuals and an organisation whose values are close to his.
Natalya Turnbull
Natalya was born in Perth and moved to Wyndham when she was 9 years old. She did most of her schooling in Wyndham and then went to boarding school in Perth from year 10 to year 12.
Her last job was at the local supermarket as an assistant manager.
She wanted this job because she sees it being a great opportunity to learn more and to help young people become great leaders