The establishments of LYACs gives Kimberley young people the space and opportunity to discuss local concerns, challenges and solutions with peers as well as co-designing future initiatives.
EYL as the representative body for Kimberley young people elevates the discussions and priorities of LYACs to strategic decision-making forums such as Joint Decision-Making Panels, Design Committee’s, the Kimberley Aboriginal Youth Wellbeing Steering Committee, the EC-West Board and the Aboriginal Regional Governance Group.
Local Youth Advisory Councils (LYACS)
The LYACs will give Kimberley young people the opportunity to raise their local concerns with peers through discussions around identifying challenges and solutions. EYL as the representative body for Kimberley young people will advocate those concerns and lead informed decisions that impact them.
LYAC’s have been established in Broome, Wyndham and Kununurra, and additional LYAC’s will be set up in the following locations over the coming months: Dampier Peninsula, Bidyadanga, Fitzroy Crossing, Derby, Halls Creek, Warmun and Kalumburu.
Join a LYAC Today!
Why you should join:
Build on your leadership qualities
Networking & capacity building opportunities
Be a leader & positively influence Kimberley Youth
Bring youth perspective to solving problems for Kimberley Youth
Support guides the succession of EYL youth projects and gatherings within your local area
To become a LYAC member, you must register as an EYL member; to be eligible as a member of EYL, applicants must be based in the Kimberley region and be between 15-35 years.
Not a member of EYL yet, click below to become a member!
Fill out the LYAC expression of interest form below if you are interested in joining a LYAC!