Our Supporters

Established in 2021, West Kimberley Futures Empowered Communities (WKFEC or EC-West) is an organisation dedicated to improving outcomes for people in Broome, Derby, Fitzroy Valley, Dampier Peninsula, and the surrounding communities in the West Kimberley.

Our partnership with the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) means that we have a direct link to Federal Government and can advocate and influence the decisions impacting the West Kimberley.

We are 1 of 10 backbone organisations for Empowered Communities across Australia and we work with our members in a two-way channel to communicate with government to create change. A key function of EC-West is advocating and implementing the joint decision making process around funding and regional development for the West Kimberley.

KAMS (Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Ltd) is a member based, regional Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO), providing support and representing the interests of eight independent ACCHOs from towns and remote communities across the Kimberley region of Western Australia, and Kimberley Renal Services, which is a wholly owned subsidiary.

KAMS was first established in 1986 as a cooperative between the Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (BRAMS) and the East Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service (EKAMS) now the Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service (OVAHS) with membership expanding to Halls Creek health service committee and Fitzroy Crossing community representatives. These communities saw the benefit of sharing pooled resources and collective effort in the region.

The Aboriginal Regional Governance Group (ARGG) brings together seven leading Kimberley ACCOs (KLC, KALACC, KLRC, KAMS, EC-West, BBY and the Empowered Young Leaders) to provide unified leadership in responding to the WA Government on four priorities:

1. Aboriginal Youth Wellbeing

2. Empowered Young Leaders

3. Kimberley Juvenile Justice Strategy

4. Kimberley Aboriginal Suicide Prevention

We provide services and partner with others to keep children safe; deliver social and public housing; deliver vital community services, including in emergencies; address homelessness; prevent family and domestic violence; provide stewardship for disability services; and drive the agenda for women's interests, youth, seniors and ageing, carers, and volunteering.

The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) works in genuine partnership to enable the self-determination and aspirations of First Nations communities. We lead and influence change across government to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a say in the decisions that affect them.

Jawun is an Australian, non-profit organisation which manages secondments from the corporate and public sectors to a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner organisations in urban, regional and remote communities across Australia.

In the East Kimberley, BBY is the 'backbone' organisation supporting the implementation of Empowered Communities. Using a place-based collective impact model, BBY supports its members to work together to improve the lives of Aboriginal people in the region. 

Empowered Communities is led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, for Indigenous people and operates in eight regions across Australia.

The Kimberley Land Council was set-up for the benefit of all Kimberley Aboriginal people and works with about 25 native title groups to get native title recognition, protect and enhance the high biodiversity values of the region, pursue cultural enterprise development and work to improve our socioeconomic circumstances.  

We are one of the biggest employers in the Kimberley, employing about 130 staff across the divisions of native title, legal, land and sea management, corporate services and finance. We have offices in Broome, Kununurra and Derby as well as smaller satellite stations in remote communities that act as a base for Kimberley Ranger Network teams.

Aarnja is the regional body for Kimberley Aboriginal people. Our vision is to empower Kimberley Aboriginal people, communities and organisations to have a strong Aboriginal identity and share in all of the social and economic opportunities of modern society. Our mission is to work with all parties to create innovative and sustainable opportunities that empower Kimberley Aboriginal people. 

We're leading the change from passive welfare to Aboriginal empowerment by ensuring a positive and strong Kimberley Aboriginal identity is fostered and sustained for individuals, families and communities. One of the ways we do this, is by collaborating with governments, NGOs and Aboriginal organisations to expand policies and programs that really work for Aboriginal people. We also support strong, independent Aboriginal organisations to work together through coherent and agreed Kimberley-wide governance and accountabilities.

KALACC is the Kimberley Region’s Peak Indigenous Law and Culture Centre.

Based in Fitzroy Crossing, we support the traditional cultural practices of the 30 language groups of the Kimberley Region. Incorporated in 1985, KALACC has a proud history of advocating for culturally based self – determination for the Kimberley.

Supporting the 30 Aboriginal language groups of the Kimberley is our cultural maintenance mission. KALACC encourages the participation of these groups in song, story and dance, as they keep their culture strong through sharing their knowledge with people through performance and through cultural practices.

The KLRC was the first regional language centre established in Australia. It is the peak representative body for Aboriginal languages in the Kimberley. The organisation was set up in 1984 (incorporated in 1985) following the establishment of the Kimberley Land Council (1978) and the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre (1984). These organisations together protect the heritage of Kimberley Aboriginal people which is based on a foundation of Land, Law, Language and Culture.

White & Case is a global law firm with longstanding offices in the markets that matter today. Our on-the-ground experience, our cross-border integration and our depth of local, US and English-qualified lawyers help our clients work with confidence in any one market or across many.

We guide our clients through difficult issues, bringing our insight and judgment to each situation. Our innovative approaches create original solutions to our clients' most complex domestic and multijurisdictional deals and disputes.

By thinking on behalf of our clients every day, we anticipate what they want, provide what they need and build lasting relationships. We do what it takes to help our clients achieve their ambitions.